When you have a dynamic, busy HR department, you want to give HR all the tools they need to be effective at employee recruitment and training. The first step is to make HR communications streamlined, while the next is to avoid internal communication mistakes. With text messaging, your communication with both potential employees and current employees is relevant, timely, and precise. For training purposes, sending out a quick reminder that a training is about to start will ensure an increase in attendance. If you are ready to give your HR department a boost, it’s time to invest in SMS technology.
Send Job Openings to Interest Candidates
Trying to recruit new employees can be a headache for your HR department. When you create an opt in campaign for people looking to work for your company, you can send out a notice every time a new job becomes available in your company. This way you are already reaching individuals who have shown interest in working for you. You can send updates on new employment opportunities without sending messages to people who are no longer looking for a job.
Open Up a New Line of Communication
SMS texting allows for two-way communication. This makes organizing upcoming trainings much easier. This is a time efficient way of communication, and it will free up some of the time of your busy HR staff. You can send links for online trainings, or to provide more information regarding an upcoming seminar. Most people carry around a cell phone capable of texting and SMS is the fastest way to reach an individual today. When you open this line of communication, you will have less communication errors overall.
SMS for Training Your Employees Effectively
When you are onboarding new employees, there may be a number of trainings that they need to attend before they can begin working. Scheduling trainings can all be done through SMS texting. Any quick changes to the time or location of the training can be texted to the individual, making it easy to ensure everyone makes it to the right place at the right time. In addition, employee training needs can be entered into the program and kept track of automatically. When an employee needs a training in the near future, a reminder message can be sent to let the employee know about the necessary training.
Text Messaging Makes Organizing Meetings Easier
Whether setting up an orientation or organizing a staff meeting, text messaging can be essential to letting everyone know what is going on. With a quick text message, all employees will be notified about a staff meeting. With the clear communication, it won’t be possible for employees to state that they didn’t receive a message. Text messages are read faster than emails, and are the most effective way to reach employees.
When you want your HR department to have effective communication, text messaging is essential. With a platform in place, recruitment is easier. Your HR department isn’t going to waste time on long calls when a text message will suffice. You can keep your employees informed about upcoming training, and you can boost the information your employees will receive at a training by sending out a link with further information.
For more information on how integrating an SMS software can boost your recruitment process, click here!
About the Author: Ken Rhie
Ken Rhie is the CEO of Trumpia, which earned a reputation as the most complete SMS solution including user-friendly user interface and API for mobile engagement, Smart Targeting, advanced automation, enterprise, and cross-channel features for both mass texting and landline texting use cases. Mr. Rhie holds an MBA degree from Harvard Business School. He has over 30 years of experience in the software, internet, and mobile communications industries.